Livestock Waste Storage and Disposal
Livestock Waste Storage and Disposal
Wellington Land Development Code Sec. 30-153 provides minimum standards for the storage and disposal of livestock waste. Specifically, each livestock facility shall have an approved waste storage area. The storage areas are required to have an impermeable floor with sidewalls on three sides. The size of the storage area is also proportioned to the number of livestock served by the storage area. If roll-off or dumpster containers are approved, they must be placed on a concrete or asphalt pad with a lip around it to contain seepage/leakage.
Waste storage areas must be located at least 5 feet away from any roof overhang, 50 feet from any public drainage conveyance or drainage inlet, at least 100 feet from any water body, and at least 150 feet from a potable water supply well. In addition, this section of the Village code contains standards for the maintenance of the storage area, spreading/composting, and for the hauling of livestock waste.